Monday, February 15, 2010

A misguided dishonest post disappears

Just a couple of days ago, Tim Boyer again attacked Tucker Watkins with false assertions and rumors. What you see below just a small part.

From Mr Boyer's Blog

VA-05 Republican Chairman Tucker Watkins Considering Sunday Convention -According to sources close to the Republican VA 5th District Chairman, he is considering holding the 5th District Convention on a Sunday, charging a $2500 ...
15 hours ago

There was more garbage where he accused Watkins of many wrongs but even the most simple search found it all a lie. Does Tim remember the ninth commandment ?

Later in the day, Sam Richardson, the chairman of the Fluvanna Republican party told Mr. Boyer that it was his suggestion that the district consider a Sunday convention so that people of his faith might have the opportunity to attend.

I will say this for Tim. He took the entire attack post down. Anyone looking at it knew it was absurd. It would have been more appropriate for him to apologize to Watkins for the false attack but maybe that is asking too much.

Big Bill Hay could do at least the same thing about his false attacks on Ron Ferrin and take them down but he doesn't. Why can't he you ask ? Good question. But maybe there wouldn't be much left on Big Bill's blog if he took all the false attacks down.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bill Hay refuses to apologize or correct his blog.

Bill Hay published the garbage below in an attack on Ron Ferrin. No one can post any responses to Hay's lie on the blog since comments are no longer allowed, a common tactic of Big Bill. In just a minutes time on Google and at Ferrin's website, Hay could see that Ferrin's business is in fact a volunteer effort to help the local schools. For Ferrin to advocate for this effort is good, not bad. Big Bill needs to take the post down and put in it's place a public apology to Ferrin.

Bill Hay said "I am not all that surprised about the low (non-existent) financial numbers coming from the Ferrin camp; after all he seemed more interested in promoting his businesses than running for office. Even his campaign website appears to promote his business activities as much as his ideas for a better government. I have been to several events that Ron has spoken at and he never fails to mention his businesses, I do not have a problem with promoting yourself but it is time for Ferrin to step aside so the field can be narrowed just a little. It is time for this “candidate” to either prove he is a viable alternative or find a different forum to promote his businesses."

If you agree with me, go to Big Bill's Verga apology website, and tell him to take the post down and apologize.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another BS post by Big Bill Hay

Big Bill recently put up a post demeaning Hurt's support of the two bills the VA TEA parties wanted to focus on this session. Of course in his normal attack now and find out the truth later but never acknowledge it mode, he attacked Hurt for non support of HR 61 last session.

We wanting to know the truth,something Big Bill abhors, did an investigation.

Delegate Peace came up with this idea on the floor of the House of Delegates right at the the end of the legislative session. He went around and got about a dozen friends to sign on. No Senator, yes, no Senator, signed on because none were ever asked. It was sent to the house rules committee to die a quick death. I guess in Bill's demented mind AG Cuccinelli doesn't believe in the 10th amendment either.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who is in the tank ?

Just so everyone knows how bad Big Bill Hay and others are in the tank for Lawrence Verga, the man who thinks he can buy a seat in the Congress, you only need to go look at the FEC website for a little clearing up of your mind.

Go to

Insert Verga in the partial name of the committee. Hit the first item, view. Go to schedule B and click. Look at all line numbers. See Big Bill- and we mean BIG Bill Hay and his reimbursements and see almost impeached before I could quit Joshua Lambert and then ask yourself about how fair Big Bill and Joshua intended to be fair in anything that might happen in Albemarle. If you trust anything that Hay writes, you need to buy the bridge I own on RT 29 and stand out there and collect tolls.

Maybe Big Big Bill should go read fifth district watchdog, which is clearly a McPadden site. but here is what Mark Lloyd, who is clearly not in the tank for anyone has to say about LaCivita.

A Deeper Look, and a Matter of Fairness

by Mark Lloyd

Chairman Lychburg TEA Party

Today, on the Watch Dog, an LA Times article was linked that quoted Chris LaCivita, Robert Hurt’s campaign strategist. This article appeared Sunday in the LA Times, certainly a left leaning publication if one ever was. The article went on the wire and the AP picked it up, and it appeared this morning in the Lynchburg News and Advance, and probably others as well. The quotes attributed to LaCivita have cause my phone to ring quite often today, and my inbox is getting full. Some TEA Party Patriots in the VA5th are finding offense to the remarks. I understand the reaction, but I must, as a matter of fairness, come forward with some information that should be considered.

Chris LaCivita and I have had our share of disagreements over the last several weeks. I’m quite sure that we will have many more. Stay tuned. But, I have to disclose to everyone interested that he contacted me on Sunday morning as soon as he noticed that the article had been published. He insisted that I understand that he was not making an attack specifically on the other candidates in the VA5th GOP nomination race. He said his comments where taken out of context. I understand that some will not consider that LaCivita could possibly be telling the truth, but I will leave that up to the reader to decide. He told me he had been misquoted and that his remarks were meant in the context of what is going on in congressional districts across the country. The following is what he told me was his exact quote:

“With as many people running (not just in VA 5 but nationally) is an

indication that the “Party” (GOP) is alive and thriving, when just a year

ago it was written off as dead -

That having this many people running was a good thing – not a bad thing -and

everyone who is running believes they can make a difference – but that you

do get some folks who if you can walk and chew gum at same time, think they

can be member of congress.”

Chris LaCivita has been in the business of politics for a long time. His claim to fame is that he was the man behind the media campaign that allowed the Swiftboat Veterans to reveal the truth about John Kerry. Not a bad claim, and he was involved with the election of Ken Cuccinelli. Although, he may not be too popular among the TEA Party crowd since he is working for Robert Hurt, he certainly has some bona fides as a conservative politico. This leads me to my next point of looking deeper.

My personal political experience, including dealing with the media, has come at me like a tsunami over the last few months as I took on the role as the Lynchburg Area TEA Party Chairman, and being the organizer of the VA5th District TEA Party debates. This little bit of national attention has been an education as to what really goes on in our media. I have had a couple of interviews with the Washington Post, and some local papers, as well as some local TV stations, and I can attest to the fact that my comments were not taken in context. My comments were taken and used to fit what they wanted to say. It is quite apparent to me that the media is already working to do several things in our local race, and we should all be aware of them.

First, I believe that the national media is making great efforts to have VA5 turn into the next NY23. Need to sell some papers. Secondly, and much more sinister, I believe that the national media is invested in supporting the leftist socialist agenda, and will twist whatever words they need to twist, or confuse context, to achieve this goal. As I see it, the goal of many in the media is to drive a wedge between the conservative factions. The GOP has grassroots conservatives, many opposed to the RINO’s in leadership positions, some are TEA Party folk, and some are not. However, for the socialist democrats to win in districts like VA5 they must drive the wedges deep into the body of conservative voters. This is basic to winning any political contest. Divide and conquer. For little Tommy-boy Pelosi-ello to have a chance of re-election this year the shattering of conservative unity is a must. We have a long time to go before November, and we need to be aware that this is going to happen. This nomination process is a fight that needs to take place to determine who best represents the conservative values of this district, and then defeat lil’Tommy, the puppet of Pelosi, Obama and Soros.

The blog list

They are not chosen because I agree with them. Several are as big an idiot as Bill Hay and also follow Bill's policy of not posting responses. So we will offer that service here. If you post to any of the blogs listed and your post just doesn't get included, do it here and we will be glad to put it up. If you know of others that you think we should add, just let us know.

Is Bill getting real ?

I was pleasantly surprised to see a somewhat rational post from Bill when he did his analysis of the state of the race. So I am going to lay off the blasting I was ready to start this entry off with. I am going to hope that he continues down the same path. If not, every time he goes on one of his rants, we will reply in spades. He has done the TEA party great damage.

But idiot Bill's attack on Ron Ferrin deserves an answer.

First, Ron Ferrin's so called business that he is attacked for is an effort he is making to match businesses and schools to assist the schools. It is a totally a non profit enterprise and he should be lauded for it,not attacked. But we all know that is the way idiot Bill works. Idiot Bill as usual done his very poor research and attacks without knowing what he talks about.

Secondly, If one compares Ferrin, who is doing his campaign without the high-powered DC based consultants that idiot Bill's candidate uses with Verga, he is doing a pretty good job. He has a better website that is updated more regularly and more Facebook fans. We don't know what he has spent because it most probably hasn't passed the $5,000 mark but at least he hasn't wasted 5K on Joe the plumber and Laura and hasn't been called "a liberal Supreme Court Justice" either.

Ferrin is probably the model of what we would like, a citizen who feels this country is on the wrong track and is willing to go out day after day talking to try to get us back on the right track.

Only an idiot would want him to not be heard.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Why we exist

Bill Hay and others like him have created a situation that must be countered. Bill and his buddies falsely attack others using innuendo,misstatements, and just outright lies to advance their agenda. He and other blogs like his do not accept comments from others who show how deceitful Bill is. He is one of the worst examples of how a blog can be misused so I selected him to be the icon. The hope is that Bill and others like him, when exposed to the light, will change their ways.